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Stockingford Maintained Nursery School

Nurture. . . . Inspire . . . Grow


Nursery will close on Thursday 10th April for a Teacher Training Day
and the Easter holidays.
Children will return on Monday 28th April 2025.


To apply for a place at our nursery school please click on the Application Form button below 


Welcome to our Nursery School!


A very warm welcome to our Nursery School! There has been a Nursery School onsite in Stockingford since the 1940's and many of our parents (and grandparents!) have fond memories of their own time here. We are a maintained school and are led by a Headteacher, with qualified teachers and practitioners supporting and extending learning. 

We pride ourselves on offering a welcoming, safe and stimulating environment, with high quality teaching and learning experiences for children aged  2-4 years old. We recognise that children's foundations for learning are embedded in their early years experiences and we work in close partnership with home to support learning and development together. 


You are very welcome to come and look round our Nursery School - please telephone or come to Reception to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you! 


If you wish to make contact, or have any safeguarding concerns, please email:  

If you would like a paper copy of any information on our website

please contact the Office.

defribullator heart.png
We have a defibrillator on site for the community. This is located at RECEPTION

For Ofsted reports and information or to give your views of our school please click the links below

Parent view with wording.jpg
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Makaton Friendly.jpg

If you have any queries, would like a paper copy or more information please ask at the Reception office.

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